Sunday, June 5, 2011


June 3

This little guy is such a hugger. He loves to give hugs. See?

And so is this one.

Book Hospital & Big Boy Underwear

June 2

I wonder how many of our books have ripped pages throughout them.

Actually I wonder how many don't. That would be the smaller number.
Grey is very interested in wearing Sam's underwear. Apparently Sam is down with it too.

If you look closely, you can see Snot Rod on that cute little bum.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


June 1

Bo was laying on the Boppy waiting for his bath and pulled a cord connected to my curling iron which happened to be resting on the counter above him.

His lower eye socket caught it.

It's pretty hard to see in these pictures I guess.
Either way, how sweet is that little eye?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


May 31

We love having AJ here!
Again, these boys are blessed with great aunts!Nothing like a good ride on the shoulders.

Sam and Grey remembering their days on the baby mat.

AJ teaching Bo some acrobatics.


May 30

Grey enjoying some "bron-bees" (brownies) at Pop-Pop and Nana's!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Training Them Up to Clean

May 29

Sam is pretty particular about how things go.
We're hoping that'll translate into him becoming quite the little know, since I'm not.

So Our Friends Sold Everything They Own

May 28

Our friends are moving to the Dominican Republic to care for orphans. They had a moving sale this weekend to sell all their stuff.
We showed up to help and hang out.

This guy's name is Jackson. He's holding Bo.
Get it? Bo Jackson.

How could we not make that joke?

Auntie Tiff and Bo.
Eyes on the prize, Bo. Those sunglasses look tasty.

If that's not the quintessential garage sale lady, I don't know who is?
Note the fanny pack, coolox shorts, and black socks. Pure awesomeness.

There's an Auto-Themed Obsession in Our House

May 27

We hung out at my parents' on Friday.
Sam decided this Big Wheel needed a trailor.
Doesn't every trike need a good trailor?

The child learns from his dad.

Later, Bob and I went out to eat at P.F. Changs.
We had to park next to this little diddy.

See that look on his face? Sheer appreciation.

Trains in the Kitchen

May 25

Apparently the best place to play is in the kitchen.
The best time? While I'm cooking.

Pretty sure I'll miss this kind of stuff when these boys are all grown up.

By the way, who needs trains when you have hundreds of Hot Wheels?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sleepy Boys

May 24 (part b)

We had small group Tuesday night and the kids go to sleep while the adults have "adult time."
Here are Sam & Grey right before we left.
Seriously, so cute.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kitchen Couch

May 24

This guy spends a lot of time on this couch. He can hear and see me easily and I can keep an eye on who's messing with him.
He face-planted off of it the other day.

Pool Shots, Mango Salsa & A Little Crib Time

May 23

Just some more fun time at the pool.

Grey looks so old!!

And a little mango salsa...

And they all love to get in Bo's crib together...

Belated Birthday Hangout

May 22

Mom, Laura, Julie and I ate lunch at Chuy's and did a little kid-free shopping. This is the only shot I got of the afternoon.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hello Pool, We'll Be Seeing a Lot of You

May 20 (part b)

Photos and Homemade Ice Cream

May 21

We had some family photos made (by my sweet friend Ashley) then cooked out and enjoyed some homemade ice cream!

Bo Is 6 Months? No.Way.

May 20

Bo is 6 months old.
Can't believe it.
Seriously, it seems like he was born 2 weeks ago.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

End of the year

May 19

Sam just finished up his first year of pre-school.
He loved it.
I loved it.
We both loved his teacher, Mrs. Michelle!

The kids did a little musical performance, "Jesus is My Superhero!" As was the last performance, this one was hilariously cute!

What's up with this new smile?


May 18

Quick trip to the zoo, complete with an up-close encounter with one of the elephants, on our way to pick up AJ!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Idea Really Was to Post Once a Day

So not only am I not posting every day but I've got another d.ay with no photo.
I'm pressing on.
I hope to improve.
However, I'm not even convinced anyone is reading this...

May 15

Wow the color on that photo is horrible...but man is that kid cute!

May 16
No photo.

May 17

This is kinda how our playing outside looks. Grey likes to sit in the Cozy Coupe, on the 4-wheeler, or the train and Sam runs around like a mad man pushing some sort of vehicle. I just try to keep people from falling off the retaining wall and running out into the street.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Some Catch-up

May 11 My birthday. Bob got me these flowers and they get more beautiful each day as more of them open up.

May 12 Ya-Ya, Grey, Bo and I spent some quality time running errands, namely World Market. This picture makes me think of The Bo is Donald Trump and Grey is getting fired.

May 13

We went out to play at Sterrett.
We played at the playground AND on Big Black (pictured above).

May 14

Saturday, we had a garage sale. While we were doing that, Mom, Dad & Ya-Ya took the boys to the Buck Creek Festival in Helena. Here is Sam "driving" his squishy motorcycle through the gravel path. I think this went on for about 50 yards.

We rounded out the afternoon with a deliciously greasy lunch at The Depot.

It Doesn't Happen Often

May 9

Bo took a little nap on my chest. Sooo sweet.
Oy, check out those cheeks.

And we* ended the day with a little Mother's Day dinner to Chuy's.

*Mom, my sister Laura, Bo I went.
We missed my other sis, Julie!
We didn't get any pictures!
Yes, Bo crashed girls' night!

First Fail

May 10

No picture from today...that's the fail.

We had small group tonight which I meant to get a picture of.
Instead, I'll just leave you with these of Grey from the day before.

Yes, buddy, Daddy built a gate but if has to be open for you to go through...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

On Mother's Day, We Dedicate Babies

May 8

This morning at church, we dedicated Bo.

I love how personal our pastor is with this. He knows all the babies' full names, along with the parents' and siblings'. He prays over each child, asks the parents to commit to teaching the child about the Gospel, and asks the congregation to support the parents.

Pretty great Mother's Day if you ask me.

Also, our good friend Lindsay had her third babe this morning...a sweet little girl, Andi! Now how is THAT for a great Mother's Day present?

Concord, AL

May 7

Bob and I (and Bo too) were able to go to Concord* today to help some with the tornado clean-up. I can only say that standing in the trail of where the tornado came through and seeing people camped out in front of their demolished homes, in order to protect what is left of their belongings is not the same as looking at pictures of it.

I left feeling glad we could help, thankful our home was spared, realizing just how long it's going to take to clean up and rebuild, and hoping we get another opportunity to help.

*we didn't shoot that video